Meet Annie in person,
see all her wonderful Trapunto designs
and see how quick and easy her
trapunto techniques are at the:
Craft Alive Show
at the
Thoroughbred Park Centre

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th May 2018
See Annie on Stand 78

Annie's "Trapunto Tuesdays"

Trapunto Tuesday is a fantastic get-together on the second Tuesday of
each month at our Notting Hill Studios,
Suite 108, 5-7 Redwood Drive
Notting Hill Victoria.
03 9543 9411
Trapunto Tuesdays are those who have
done our Trapunto workshop or who are competent needleworkers and would like the friendship of a group working on other trapunto projects.
Annie will be on hand to guide you through your projects
and answer any questions you may have.
There are a limited number of spaces available so book early The prices are $50 for a full day (10am - 3pm) and $30 for a half day (10am - 12.30).